Unique Books to Creatively Curate your Coffee Table

TOP PICK – The Flower Expert: Ideas and inspiration for a life with flowers by Fleur McHarg

While coffee table books have developed an archetype for being characterized as frivolous, decorative, and expensive; fresh voices from unique authors are now turning the tides. Perhaps the most sociable location in the entire household, a coffee table is a defining place of honor and dignity.

I am a bit of a font nerd so I can tell you that the cover is “Market Deco” one of my favorites

If you want to know who someone is take a look at their coffee table books

Flower Expert is a great read as both a one-part practical flower guide and a one-part creative non-fiction photo book. This beautifully dense hardback has thick linen pages fit to be placed on stunning reclaimed Barnwood or a glossy mirror console. Thumbing through you’ll see a mesmerizing collection of over 25 featured flower profiles and an in-depth look at this creator’s artistic process.  It’s definitely food for the creative mind and the florally obsessed.

What sets this book apart is the way flowers, color, and synesthesia are woven together creating a unique outlook. The book displays a visual representation of the mindscape of a creator and allows readers to be partial to all the inner thought processes. Richly colored photos are paired with modern style notes emoting an artistic perspective that really resonates with creative individuals. McHarg characterizes each flower assigning personality thus transforming blooms into living beings of expression. She pairs them with days of the week, color, temperament, and moods.

Synesthisa & Flowers

Synesthesia is a fascinating phenomenon. Occurring when one sensory pathway overlaps with another intertwining our associations. This causes some people to interpret taste with a sound, or color with a day or number, etc. It is surprisingly common among those who gravitate towards visual arts, music, and expressive outlets. And yet, it’s not something that I’ve never seen put into words, pictures, and flowers. The sophistication of this book provides a gorgeous source of inspiration and encourages you to delve deeply into your own overlapping sensory perceptions.

Truly a “Flower Expert” her approach to the construction of bouquets and arrangements is similar in principle to what a fine artist uses when painting.

For this reason, all creatives can find interest in this collection of notes, tips, and techniques.

Click Picture To take a synesthesia test

Fine Art & Design Principles

Undoubtedly there is harmony to be found in all applications of creative expression. Floral design makes a unique artistic overlap belonging (in my opinion) somewhere between sculpture and fine art. As both a florist and an artist, I was interested in her creative process and her practical applications. You’ll find surprisingly candid information about what works and what doesn’t. The author has a likable sense of directness and competence having worked a profession in flowers for over 25 years. I honestly did not expect to get as much out of this book as I did. However, I was most beguiled by the moody Dutch Master Style and intricate collage theme seen throughout the collection.

Dutch-style botanicals have inspired many of my art pieces

I am a firm believer that when you are surrounded by natural beauty, you behave more beautifully. This great read fell into my hands one drizzly afternoon (while savoring a heavy knitted throw.) I ended up purring on the sofa for several hours soaking up the hues, and busy collages.

Since then, I have revisited this title after completing several floral design workshops. Emersed in the sensations of color, texture, and the magnificence of varied blooms it was a lovely way to re-charge. When I found myself skipping through the bustling vendors of the Portland Flower Market I began looking at flowers differently. Moody blooms I had normally never considered, were now winking at me from their containers. Hello, Helleborus!

Botanically inspiring The Flower Expert is a dreamy and enchanting practical guide for blossom-heads, fine artists, gardeners, and whimsy lovers. This is a decently priced book when compared to other similar titles that focus more on the “how-to side.” Flower Expert is ideally suited as an upmarket experience for those who have a beautiful mind and pockets full of petals.

Do you have Snyethete qualities? Take the test above to find out!

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    Posted 2.23.22 Reply